How long is the program?

Developed with flexibility in mind and minimal prep required, each lesson can take less than 30 minutes or you can choose to expand the learning with options from the “extension buffet”.  FutureMakers schedule includes 7 video lessons plus build time (which is defined by the teacher).  Your purchase gives you access to the program for one year. 

What grades? 

FutureMakers is designed for students in grades 4 through 7.

Why hope-based environmental education?

Research has shown that many of our youth don’t have the tools to imagine anything but an apocalyptic future for themselves and the importance of hope, grounded in truth, in presenting complex environmental topics. Instead of starting with all of the shocking statistics, depressing facts, and stories of despair, FutureMakers helps students dream of a safe, clean, and thriving future, a future they are happy to see themselves as a part of. As psychologist Renee Lertzman argues, there is a delicate balance that must be considered between holding our conflicted feelings about the state of the future.

How do I sign in? 

Once you complete your purchase, you will receive an email to confirm your purchase – one from Outdoor Learning Store, then one from Wildsight with information on how to access your new resources.. Retrieve your sign-in details from that email, then follow the process to create your password. Then you can click ‘LOG IN” on the top right-hand corner of the FutureMakers website.

How do I access the program resources?

All the program resources are located on the easy-to-use Future Makers website. Once logged in, getting started is as easy as clicking play on the Intro video. 

What type of resources are available? 

The videos and planning booklet help guide students through the process of designing a sustainable community of the future that gives an overview of the topic and highlights local community projects and individuals who are working to develop a sustainable future.  

Does it link to the curriculum?

The FutureMakers program ties into the BC curriculum in many ways with direct links to science, social studies, applied skills, design, and technology. The BC curriculum’s ADST design guidelines are used as a base for the final culminating activity. The extension buffet also includes curriculum-connected activities as part of the program extensions  (i.e. English Language Arts, Arts, Mathematics). Specific links to the curriculum will be included in future versions of the program. 

What assessment tools are included? 

The program includes a student planning booklet has room for student notes, drawings, and reflections on each lesson. It also serves as a reference for project ‘design principles’ and contains a success checklist so that students understand the assessment criteria. Teachers define how students will build and present their project, which can be tailored to your specific classroom resources and goals. Build options can include cardboard, Lego, Minecraft Education, or posters. Rubrics are included in the Desgin & Build lesson.